Subjects-MSC offers a wide range of SACE subjects and nationally accredited vocational certificate (VET) courses.
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Important dates
Fri 27/9 - Last day of Term 3, holidays begin Mon 14/10 - First Day Term 4 Mon 4/11 - Stage 2 Exams begin Tues 26/11 - MSC Presentation Night Tues 10/12 - RTO Graduation
For other upcoming important dates for students and parents, check out the website calendar.
Request SupportIf you would like to make an appointment to chat with one of our Student Wellbeing Leaders either over phone or email, please complete the form here.
2023 Stage 2 ResultsMarden Senior College has an outstanding record of high achievement at Stage 2 and this was evident once again in 2023.
100% SACE completion
159 A+ grades achieved
57 subject merits
47% 90+ ATAR
29 students achieved an ATAR of 99+
54% of grades resulted in the A grade band
Department for Education T/A South Australian Government Schools
CRICOS Provider Number: 00018A