Science Facilities
The science area comprises of a staff study for teachers and four specialised laboratory learning spaces serviced by a full time laboratory technician.
A modern laboratory with classroom style seating, surrounded by laboratory benches serviced with gas, water and power. Access to laptops. AV equipment includes large screen projector, smart board and video microscope. Lab coats, safety glasses and eye wash available. Disabled Access.
The laboratory features specialised equipment for microscopy, microbiology, seed germination and growth and plant tissue culture. Display cases exhibit plant and animal specimens and anatomical models.
A spacious laboratory with bench seating, serviced with overhead power. Peripheral benches are serviced with gas, water and power. The laboratory features 10 student computers, access to laptops, AV equipment with large screen and projector, black-out blinds and a darkroom for optical experiments. Lab coats and safety glasses are available.
The facility is well-equipped with Teltron apparatus, spectrometers, Young’s double slit interferometer, light kits, lasers, air track and air table, ripple tank, cathode ray oscilloscopes, van de Graff generator, electrostatics kits, electronics kits, soldering irons and an astronomical telescope.
Solar Panels: A 2100 Watt photovoltaic rooftop array is installed as part of the SA Solar Schools Program and is monitored from within the laboratory.
A large, well-equipped laboratory with classroom style seating, surrounded by large benches serviced with gas, water and power. Access to laptops. AV equipment includes a large screen projector. Lab coats, safety glasses, safety shower, fume cupboard and eye wash station are available.
The laboratory features equipment for analytical chemistry, a spectrophotometer, distillation apparatus and an excellent range of molecular models and kits.