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Come tour Marden Senior College and learn about our wide range of SACE and VET courses.
Bookings here.
Request Support
If you would like to make an appointment to chat with one of our Student Wellbeing Leaders
either over phone or email, please click the button below:
Come tour Marden Senior College and learn about our wide range of SACE and VET courses.
Bookings here.
The Department for Education’s annual parent survey
The 2024 parent survey opens mid to late July and closes midnight Sunday 8 September.
We encourage you to complete the survey as we want your views on our school and the education system. It takes less than 10 minutes.
The survey is coordinated by the Department for Education.
How to participate
During the survey window you will receive a unique survey link via email or SMS from the Parent Survey team.
If you have not received an email or SMS with your unique survey link by Friday 9 August 2024, please check your spam or junk email folders. Otherwise, please contact and include our school’s name in your email. A new survey link will then be sent to you.
Your answers will not identify you or your child. Only collated feedback will be provided to our school.
How your feedback will be used
Your feedback will help us understand:
- what we’re doing well
- where we can improve
- what’s important to you.
We’ll use the information collected to inform school improvement planning and activities at the school.
The department may also use your feedback to inform and evaluate the Parent Engagement Strategy and other key initiatives to improve education in South Australia.
More information
For more information on the survey, visit parent engagement with schools.
Come tour Marden Senior College and learn about our wide range of SACE and VET courses.
Bookings here.
2024 Parent/Carer Workshops
Come tour Marden Senior College and learn about our wide range of SACE and VET courses.
Bookings here.
Marden Matters
Come tour Marden Senior College and learn about our wide range of SACE and VET courses.
Bookings here.
Formal 2024
Dear students and parents/carers
We are looking forward to welcoming students and their guests to the Marden Senior College 2024 Formal on Friday 26 July at 6.00pm at the Hilton Hotel located in Victoria Square Adelaide.
Please be reminded of the following expectations about the Formal to ensure that all students and guests have a great night.
By signing the agreement you have returned, you indicated that you agree to follow all expectations and accept responsibility for any guests. Thank you for your support with this.
- Please arrive on time, students arriving after 6.30pm will not be admitted and refunds will not be possible. Please introduce yourself and introduce any guests to the Principal and the Official Welcoming Party.
- This is a College event held in a private function area of a public venue. By attending, all guests are effectively representing the College for the duration of this event.
- As this a College event, it is a non-smoking, alcohol-free and drug-free event. The Principal and the Hotel Management reserve the right to refuse entry if necessary. No refunds are available in this instance.
- For security purposes, if you leave the venue, you will not be allowed back in.
- You are responsible for your guests, and for the way you conduct yourself at this event. There will be no tolerance of behaviour by you or your guests which contravenes the MSC Student Code of Conduct. Should this occur, you and your guests will be asked to leave. No refunds are available in this instance.
- As the Formal concludes at 10.00pm, please ensure you have organised safe transport home from this time. Staff supervision will finish at the time the last student leaves the Hotel pick up area.
We are looking forward to a great night of endless entertainment, including a 3-course meal, live DJ, professional event photographers, and a fun photobooth!
See you there!
Any questions please email
Come tour Marden Senior College and learn about our wide range of SACE and VET courses.
Bookings here.
2024 Semester 2 Enrolments
Come tour Marden Senior College and learn about our wide range of SACE and VET courses.
Bookings here.
Join our Governing Council
Seeking parent representatives
Governing Council meetings are conducted twice a term on Wednesday evenings, at 6.00pm. The purpose of these meetings is to oversee the school budget and site improvement plan, as well as to discuss any other happenings at the college. The Governing Council also supports the principal ensuring Marden Senior College is a safe and inclusive learning environment at the forefront of education practice. Please note: parent representatives can join meetings via online.
Meetings for 2024:
27 Mar, 29 May, 26 Jun, 21 Aug, 25 Sep, 6 Nov & 25 Nov
If interested, please contact
Come tour Marden Senior College and learn about our wide range of SACE and VET courses.
Bookings here.
Student Parent Teacher Discussions
Marden Senior College will be holding Student Parent Teacher Discussions on Tuesday 20 August from 4.00 to 7.30pm in the 600 Building.
To book a discussion, please log in to Daymap Connect.
Book a discussion time with the student’s teacher/s in Daymap Connect according to the instructions provided below.
Please note your username will be your student’s ID number and _P1 (eg. 240000_P1)
If there are no suitable interview times, please email the teacher to organise another mutually convenient time. Teacher contacts here.
Daymap instructions:
Instructions on how to log into Daymap Connect
Instructions on how to book a parent-teacher interview
If you require assistance to book your interview, please email
Come tour Marden Senior College and learn about our wide range of SACE and VET courses.
Bookings here.
Principal Updates
Come tour Marden Senior College and learn about our wide range of SACE and VET courses.
Bookings here.